Constitution Day Resources
Every year, educational institutions which receive federal funding must provide programming on the US Constitution around September 16th, Constitution Day. This provides Move to Amend an opportunity to get into schools and make connections with educators and administrators. We encourage affiliates to reach out to their contacts in schools as well as make new contacts with local schools and offer to provide materials or present material to students themselves. We suggest presenting to college campuses and high schools.
CLICK HERE to find the materials you need.
- A suggested timeline for communicating with the school
- Sample Letter to present to educators/administrators
- Timeline exercise to present to students (with an adjusted version for high school students)
- Instructions/tips for presenting
- Discussion and debrief questions for students
- Follow up suggestions and materials for ongoing learning
Please contact Jessica Munger at [email protected](link sends e-mail) or by phone at 916.318.8040 with any questions.