January 17, 2022
Debra Reed 907-565-9395
Join with Move to Amend in a Demonstration to Protest the Supreme Court decision in Citizens’ United
January 21st 4:15 – 6pm
January 21st is the 12th Anniversary of the Supreme Court decision in Citizens United. Alaska Move to Amend is organizing a demonstration this Friday, January 21st in front of Peterson Tower at 510 L Street from 4:15 pm to 6 pm. We will urge our representatives in congress to represent us faithfully by signing on to cosponsor the We The People Act – HJR48 or similar legislation proposing a Constitutional Amendment and sending it out to the states for ratification.
“We must get big, dark and Outside money out of our elections” said Sharman Haley a member of the board of Alaska Move to Amend. Following the precedents in Citizens United and other US Supreme Court rulings, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has gutted Alaska campaign finance law. Alaskan voters crafted a strict campaign finance law, and reconfirmed it with a 73% popular vote, because we want to protect our balance of power. The only way we can reclaim our rights now is to overrule the court through a Constitutional Amendment.
Like minded citizens are welcome to dress for the weather and join us in this demonstration.