Shelly Williams

Why I support Move to Amend

Hi Friends! It's Shells. Please help me raise money to get the undue influence of big money and corporate interests out of our government by setting up a monthly donation to Move to Amend on this page!
I support Move to Amend with a monthly donation, and so should you!

Move to Amend's proposed "We The People Amendment" to the U.S. Constitution would make clear that only human beings, not corporations, have Constitutional rights, and spending money in elections is not protected First Amendment speech.

Move to Amend was the very first group to call for overturning the antidemocratic 'Citizens United' Supreme Court case, and is the only national grassroots organization fighting to overturn all corporate constitutional rights. They are also the only amendment group with a strategic plan that spells out how to win!

Yes, there are a lot of worthy political causes to donate to, but I believe that fighting problems will never be enough to save our country if we don’t also work toward solutions. We must keep our eyes on the prize of a systemic solution strong enough to dig out the rot at the roots of our political system, and create a society that works for We the People.

The We the People Amendment is the rare solution that can really deliver that level of positive systemic change! Please join me in starting a monthly donation to Move to Amend today -- let's make this happen!

How I've supported Move to Amend

  • We Need an Independence Day from SCOTUS

    “There are weeks where decades happen” might be the only way to describe this past week (though many would argue this feeling has been present for many months now). The Supreme Court has just concluded a whirlwind of devastating rulings, reminding us of their purpose: to ensure that corporations and the super wealthy will always have “more” Constitutional protections at the expense of the rights of individuals, communities and nature.

    Make no mistake: the Supreme Court is an illegitimate institution that has primarily functioned as an enemy of “We the People” across history.

    Move to Amend exists to correct some of the most egregious doctrines generated from the Supreme Court over our country’s short history, such as the dubious notion that “corporations are people, entitled to Constitutional rights” (Santa Clara County vs. Southern Pacific Railroad, 1886),  “money is free speech, protected by the First Amendment” (Buckley vs. Valeo, 1976), and their infamous love-child Citizens United vs. FEC, 2010  which made crystal clear that corporations have the “right” to flood unlimited amounts of money, without disclosure, into our already-corrupted political system.

    So it should be no surprise that in this past week, this (bought) Court has further legalized political bribery, handed regulatory power from federal agencies over to corporations, and granted total immunity to the president. All of this and more, while declaring open season for cities and counties to criminalize the rapidly-growing segment of the population who cannot afford skyrocketing housing costs and are forced to live outside with nowhere else to go. 

    - What Went Down -

    Bribery & the Appearance of Corruption
    In Snyder v. US, the unelected judges gutted an existing federal anti-corruption statute by ruling it is NOT bribery for a state official to receive gifts as a reward for a particular state action, as long as the gift is made after the action.

    Regulatory Power
    Overturned a 40-year old ruling known as the Chevron decision in Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo, which facilitated federal oversight of environmental regulations, public health measures, worker and consumer protections, when laws were not clear. Now, the Court has effectively grabbed that power for itself — ruling that judges have the final say over such regulatory actions, regardless of their scientific qualifications or knowledge of the measure. This decision is expected to “shock” the court system with billions of dollars worth of legal challenges against all-manner of regulatory law that might limit environmental destruction, wage theft, unsafe working conditions, price-gouging, or other unhealthy practices that protect everyday people and our habitats– a massive win for corporate rule with far-reaching implications.

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  • donated 2023-12-12 14:52:50 -0800

  • #StopCopCity: How Dark Money Funds Police Violence

    You may have heard about Atlanta’s “Cop City”, a massive police training ground slated to be leased to the APF (Atlanta Police Foundation) on a huge swath of the Atlanta forest – a critical greenspace known as one of the “lungs of Atlanta.” A massive coalition of organizations, community leaders, activists, clergy and local residents have been protesting the creation of this urban warfare center since 2021. If so many people are against its creation, why was the lease signed over?

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    The fight against Cop City is now entering its third year. The idea was first introduced in January of 2021, as a proposal for the creation of an advisory council that would “explore” the idea of a state-of-the-art police urban warfare training ground. The proposal immediately drew fierce opposition from a large and diverse coalition that included environmental justice organizations, the Mvskoke Creek Nation, clergy, abolitionists, local neighborhood associations, and more – because the fight against Cop City is at the intersection of so many fronts of struggle: racism, police militarization, colonialism, gentrification, and reckless environmental destruction in the face of impending climate collapse.

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  • published Onto a new year with Move to Amend in Announcements 2022-12-27 13:27:42 -0800

    Onto a new year with Move to Amend

    Hi, I'm Thom Hartmann – author and progressive political commentator. Many of you know me from my nationally syndicated radio show, the Thom Hartmann Program.

    I'm also a longtime supporter of Move to Amend! Please join with me in supporting their work to pass a Constitutional amendment to end “corporate personhood” and get big money out of politics by becoming a monthly donor.

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  • We are hiring a new Legislative Coordinator!

    The Move to Amend Coalition is a grassroots campaign to amend the Constitution to state that artificial entities such as corporations, unions, and non-profits do not have inherent rights under the Constitution, and that money is not political speech so campaign spending can be regulated. Move to Amend focuses on movement building and community organizing, emphasizing leadership from communities most impacted by corporate power such as people of color, low-income people, women, LGBTQIA+ people and youth.

    Move to Amend is structured to empower grassroots community leaders through affiliate groups and advocates that organize locally for the passage of the We the People Amendment. The coalition’s “We the People Amendment” was introduced in Congress in 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019 and 2021. Representative Pramila Jayapal introduced the We the People Amendment into the 117th Congress as HJR48.

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  • published War is (still) a Racket in Announcements 2022-03-02 09:47:35 -0800

    War is (still) a Racket

    Corporate power, big money and the Russian invasion of Ukraine

    Move to Amend condemns Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. There must be an immediate ceasefire, withdrawal of troops, humanitarian aid and diplomacy.

    There are many reasons for Russia’s invasion. Some concern politics, history, culture, and territory - including preventing NATO expansion. Not often mentioned, however, is that this small country has 5% of the earth’s natural and mineral resources, including coal, oil, natural gas (2nd most in Europe), lithium (for batteries), iron ore (for industry), titanium (20% of proven world reserves, for aerospace) and gallium (2nd most in world, for electronics). Ukraine is also incredibly rich agriculturally – 1st in Europe in arable land and 25% of the world’s volume of black soil - capable of meeting the food needs of 600 million people. 

    This is more than a political war. It’s a resource war. 

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  • First National Bank of Boston v. Bellotti (1978)

    This week marks the anniversary of First National Bank of Boston v. Bellotti (1978) -- the very first case that defined "free speech" rights for corporations, laying some of the groundwork that would lead to the even more infamous Citizens United v. FEC (2010) ruling.

    In this landmark case, the Supreme Court of the United States held that corporations have a First Amendment right to make contributions to ballot initiative campaigns.

    This case is one of many examples of why overturning Citizens United is NOT enough.

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  • The 🌍needs the #WeThePeopleAmendment

    Tomorrow is Earth Day -- and while planting a tree is a great way to spend the day, we can't forget that we are up against a powerful, extractive, and brutal system that our individual choices will never be enough to defeat.

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  • Dodge v. Ford (1919) and the Doctrine of "Shareholder Primacy"

    Once upon a time, a man named Henry Ford found himself with an extra $60 million of capital, and decided it was in the best long-term interest of Ford Motor Company to reinvest that surplus back into the corporation -- hiring more workers, increasing their wages, and lowering the price of the products for consumers.

    But brothers John and Horace Dodge, stockholders who owned 10% of Ford company shares, didn't like Henry's decision. It interfered with their short-term profits. So they sued him.

    In Dodge v. Ford (1919), a landmark case decided 102 years this month, the Michigan Supreme Court held that Henry Ford could not lower consumer prices and raise employee salaries.

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  • published Prop 22: "So goes California..." in Announcements 2020-11-25 16:01:23 -0800

    Prop 22: "So goes California..."

    Historically, this proverb has had positive connotations -- related to social and economic progress.

    But this time? It's downright sinister.

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Shelly Williams

Shelly Williams

Administrative Coordinator at @MoveToAmend. She/her.
Follow on Twitter: @shellyMTA
Find us on Facebook: Shelly Williams
$4,608.75 raised
GOAL: $1,000.00
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