ONLINE: Is democracy possible if corporations have the same rights as people?

Presenter: Greg Coleridge, Co-Director of the National Move to Amend campaign

Corporate constitutional rights (aka “corporate personhood”) is a fundamental impediment to the attainment of real democratic self-governance — preventing We the People from creating laws and policies improving the conditions of people, places and the planet.

Elected better representatives, passing better laws and enacting better regulations alone are insufficient solutions to achieving anything approaching authentic “democracy” so long as corporations, which are not mentioned in the Constitution, continue to hijack Constitutional Amendments that were intended to apply solely to human beings.

Only the We the People Amendment, HJR48, promoted by Move to Amend, will abolish all never-intended corporate constitutional rights and end the equally bizarre constitutional doctrine that political money in elections is First Amendment-protected “free speech.”

Move to Amend’s efforts are endorsed by nearly 500,000 individuals, over 700 organizations and 700 municipal/state resolutions and citizen-driven ballot initiatives.

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January 28, 2023 at 11:00am - 12:30pm
Frederick Topping Bonnie Henderson

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