EFF NYC recap

We are thrilled to share a recap of our recent national team trip to New York City, which was filled with impactful events and inspiring moments.

We want to express our heartfelt thanks to our Brooklyn affiliate group and their exceptional leader, Irene Lore, for their warm hospitality and outstanding leadership during our stay.

Constitution Day Event in Brooklyn 

On Saturday, September 16th, we hosted an in-person event in Brooklyn to celebrate Constitution Day. The event took place at the Commissioner, located at 247 5th Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11215. We were delighted to see so many passionate individuals come together. During the event, we conducted an interactive exercise using the Timeline of Personhood Rights, which is available on our website here. We also collected petition signatures from attendees who support the passage of the We the People Amendment, H.J.R54, which you can learn more about here.

End Fossil Fuels March in NYC

On September 17th, Move to Amend, alongside our Ecology Network, participated in the End Fossil Fuels March held in New York City. Several of our co-directors attended the march in solidarity to highlight the undeniable connection between the life-threatening  burning of fossil fuels and corporate rule. We had the incredible support of the Backbone Campaign, who created the massive 30ft x 15ft wide replica of the US Constitution's "We the People..." preamble.

This powerful symbol was carried proudly through the streets of New York with the help of kind volunteers from Make The Road New Jersey and other volunteers we met at the march.

It's worth noting that this march made history with over 75,000 participants, making it the largest demonstration pressuring President Biden since he took office and the largest climate mobilization since the start of the pandemic.

Stay Tuned for Pictures and Interviews We can't wait to share with you some other captivating pictures that showcase the sheer dimensions of the Constitution prop during the march. We've also conducted interviews with attendees, capturing their thoughts on corporate rule and the urgent need to put an end to it in order to save our planet. Look out for these updates on our website and social media channels soon. Twitter, Facebook, YouTube

Support Our Mission Financially 

Finally, we want to invite you to support Move to Amend's ongoing efforts to pass H.J.R. 54 and, relatedly, to continue working to change the culture to accept that constitutional rights that corporations use as a shield from being held publicly accountable were not intended, aren't inevitable and can be changed. 

Your financial support is crucial in enabling us to maintain our independence and uphold our integrity as we work towards a more just and equitable society. The importance of our mission cannot be overstated, and with your help, we can continue making a difference.

To make a contribution or learn more about our work, please visit our donation page here.


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