• Upcoming events

    Thursday, January 23, 2025 at 07:30 PM

    Striking At the Roots of Imperialism


    The 4th Thursday for 4 months
    January 23 — April 24
    4:30pm PT/ 7:30pm ET

    First session: Thursday, January 23

    Each session will start with  

    Why we need the "We the People" Amendment  a 4-minute video narrated by Peter Coyote  

    January 23: Genesis of this movement--activists begin searching for the roots.  Discuss Why Abolish All Corporate Constitutional Rights? 

    February 27: Discuss U.S. Constitution: Pull the Curtain.  

    March 27: Discuss A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing; Help! I'm Colonized and I Can't Get Up! 

    April 24: Discuss Our Corporate Elite and the Constitution; AIPAC's War on Democracy, Bring Back the Corporate Death Penalty and Where to go from here? 

    Join us to see how different, joyful and more successful our work would be in a democracy...and how a little fire prevention will reduce the number of fires we have to fight!

    Sponsored by Veterans for Peace Democracy & Peace Working Group
    Co-sponsored by Move to Amend 

    Register at https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/1-orKukCQDS6TtUBeeTRjg


    Wednesday, January 29, 2025 at 01:00 PM

    How to Outreach to Organized Labor / Working People

    Linda Gillison & Lawrence Abbott 
    Move to Amend Labor Caucus Co-Convenors

    Wednesday, January 29
    1:00 pm PT / 4:00 pm ET

    Register BELOW

    Organized labor has played a pivotal role in shaping workplace conditions and protecting the rights of millions of working people worldwide.

    Historically, the labor movement is our strongest and longest-lived organized force in the U.S. against corporate rule.

    Scores of economic and social justices  have been championed by individual workers and organized working people who are members of labor unions -- sometimes working alone and other times in coalition with other organizations representing those who have been historically oppressed. 

    Not all working people are part of a labor union. And not all labor unions are the same in terms of their members having real power, working in solidarity with non-labor groups, their position on working on systemic issues, and their specific position on the We the People Amendment?

    Our times call for acting in solidarity with individuals and groups working on problems that can't be ultimately be solved short of abolishing "corporate personhood" (corporate constitutional rights) and the corruption of massive money in political elections.

    What are the best ways to reach out to working people? To labor organizations? To invite them to work on not just resisting single corporate harms toward workers, but on systemic changes like the We the People Amendment that would give working people more power?

    Join us to find out!

    Register BELOW

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  • What's New

    Reversing Citizens United isn’t enough


    For release on January 21, 2025

    Contacts: Greg Coleridge, [email protected], 216-255-21840 | Cole Bennett, [email protected], 404-783-1362

    Reversing Citizens United isn’t enough
    National group calls for “Legalizing Democracy” by abolishing “corporate personhood” and money defined as free speech on 15th anniversary of Supreme Court decision

    Move to Amend is calling for an intensive congressional and grassroots effort to pass a constitutional amendment to end corporate constitutional rights and the doctrine that money spent in elections equals free speech.

    The group, a national coalition of hundreds of endorsing organizations and over one half-million supporters, was launched on January 21, 2010; the same day that the Supreme Court ruled on the Citizens United v FEC decision that expanded the constitutional rights of corporations and wealthy individuals to spend money to influence elections. The ruling, widely regarded as one of the most detrimental rulings in American history, has resulted in an unprecedented flood of special interest money from corporate entities and the ultra-wealthy into political campaigns, fundamentally altering the landscape of U.S. elections and politics.

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  • Corporate Inaguration

    As Congress convened on January 3, 2025, and Inauguration Day unfolds today, January 20, we are reminded of the glaring divide in this country. The inauguration, while presented as a moment of unity and power, is ultimately a sham—a spectacle where corporate interests and billionaires remain in control, pushing policies that serve the wealthiest few rather than the needs of the many.

    Learn How You Can Help!

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  • Affiliate Spotlight - January 2025

    Affiliate Spotlight: Celebrating Local Action and Impact

    In this month’s Affiliate Spotlight, we’re thrilled to highlight the incredible work being done by our affiliates across the country. Their dedication and creativity inspire us all to continue building a people-powered movement for systemic change.

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  • Newsletter - January 2025

    Building People Power in 2025: A New Year, A Renewed Fight!

    As we step into 2025, we extend our warmest wishes for a year of resilience, solidarity, and transformative change. All things considered, we know that the road ahead is challenging, with the corporate takeover of our political system continuing to erode the very foundations of people-centered governance. The specter of Insurrection 2.0 has cast a long shadow, but it only reinforces the urgency of our mission: to fight for a democracy that truly serves We the People.

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  • 🕛We’re so close – will you help us reach the finish line? ☄️

    🕛We’re so close – will you help us reach the finish line? ☄️

    We don't have to tell you about the corrupting influence of money in elections, or the power corporations yield in our Democracy.

    You're already acutely aware that whatever amount of Democracy we've ever had is ever-increasingly imperiled.  

    But are you also aware that Move to Amend is the only anti-corruption organization campaigning to end corporate rule and big money in elections -- which together have caused massive harms to people, places, the planet and our elections?


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  • Featured petition

    Motion to Amend ~ Sign the Petition

    520,905 SIGNATURES
    600,000 signatures

    We, the People of the United States of America, reject the U.S. Supreme Court's Citizens United ruling and other related cases, and move to amend our Constitution to firmly establish that money is not speech, and that human beings, not corporations, are persons entitled to constitutional rights.


    Will you sign?

    or Text SIGN to +17076564019 to sign or Text SIGN to +12055489262 to sign
Volunteer Sign the Motion to Amend Donate